You Won A Ban
1 - Get rid of in game "Controller Tampering/Modding" -- CoD don't need their own brand of aimbot.
2 - Get rid of WMDs once and for all. -- It just compels and entices cheating/hacking.
3 - Make score streaks more obtainable and nerf them harshly if this will level the playing field -- There's no reason 3 RPGs and a .50 cal can't take down one helicopter.
4 - Bring back MW360 Death Streaks -- Some players deserve to have them.
5 - Finally identify that QS'rs have always legitimately have been aimbots. -- The golf swing is always the outlier.
6 - Make sure perks are not letting players down and punish in game bullying behavior. -- This does and continues to happen.
7 - Recognition that players don't like losing 75% of the time to cheating behavior. -- "If I cannot do it, neither should another player" -- If you're reading plea #1, please set your controller settings to default only and report the offenders every time you die by them, hopefully enough complaints from enough players will end the in-game suicide.
You may gun down as many paratroopers you want, just remember that he is a player too. is looks like your player base has dried up Activision. Step up to save your game or go the way of MC5 and just die like them. If CoD dies so does FPS...
I'm T7 and I approve this message. Thank you...
2 - Get rid of WMDs once and for all. -- It just compels and entices cheating/hacking.
3 - Make score streaks more obtainable and nerf them harshly if this will level the playing field -- There's no reason 3 RPGs and a .50 cal can't take down one helicopter.
4 - Bring back MW360 Death Streaks -- Some players deserve to have them.
5 - Finally identify that QS'rs have always legitimately have been aimbots. -- The golf swing is always the outlier.
6 - Make sure perks are not letting players down and punish in game bullying behavior. -- This does and continues to happen.
7 - Recognition that players don't like losing 75% of the time to cheating behavior. -- "If I cannot do it, neither should another player" -- If you're reading plea #1, please set your controller settings to default only and report the offenders every time you die by them, hopefully enough complaints from enough players will end the in-game suicide.
You may gun down as many paratroopers you want, just remember that he is a player too. is looks like your player base has dried up Activision. Step up to save your game or go the way of MC5 and just die like them. If CoD dies so does FPS...
I'm T7 and I approve this message. Thank you...