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How much time do you usually spend gaming per day or week?


I was wondering how much time other people usually spend on gaming. I usually play over twelve hours per day, but is that normal for all the others? I've been trying to cut down on it lately though, because I've been losing sleep and feeling quite weak in the mornings. Do any of you have issues with your lifestyle?


Well, I don't play too long since I have school...but I game maybe between 4-5 hours. I usually get pretty bored when playing a game for too long, so there is a limit for me. But the first game where I could play a whole campaign without stopping was COD and that took me probably the equivalent of how long I'd play 2 games put together. I don't know...maybe I calculated right, maybe not. But I don't spend too much time gaming...I don't know if that's healthy for your eyes.


Usually around three hours a day. I used to play a lot more but I've been replacing that time with more TV shows, books, and movies. I play a lot of games that can be played in window mode while I binge watch TV shows too.


I spend around 4 hours a day playing games, and this is during weekdays. On the weekends, I can go from 4 hours to even 10 hours a day since I’m not that busy and don’t have school work. Having someone to play with is also a factor in how many hours I play. If I play alone, I usually just play for a short time because I get bored right away. If I have someone with me to play with, like in 2-player games, then I usually play longer and have more fun than when I’m playing by myself.


I usually spend an hour or two playing games. This increases on the weekend to maybe 2-3 hours a day but...with work and school, I don't have a whole lot of time.But nowadays I spend more of my time watching shows like game of thrones, breaking bad, etc...


When I was younger and had a lot of time I would probably play about 3 hours per day, longer on weekends. Now I don't really get a chance to play at all during the week, and weekends I usually spend about 2 hours a day...the rest of the time I spend catching up on shows or hanging out with friends. Sometimes I really miss the days when I could sit and play for hours and hours :(
Depends on what game I want to play and how busy I am, but anything between 0 and 18 hours is possible for me. On weekends I play from 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. most of the time, so ~14 hours. I think during my most "productive" weeks I've been close to 130 hours of gaming, but that's been some years ago. Nowadays I'd say I average ~ 30-40 hours per week.


More than I'd like to admit to be honest. It has not interfered with my sleep schedule (so far), however I feel like it will soon. I can never get enough of gaming and I tell myself "one more game". Never works out.


I don't really game during the school week because I don't really have time for that.
It's usually only weekends and when it's off school (some holidays). Then I game 5-6 hours during the day.


I used to be able to play for hours on end. But now I have kids and work to do, so I only get to play on the weekends for a few hours.


Not as long as I want to, that's for sure. I roughly spend maybe 10 hours a week if I'm lucky, and the bulk of that is at the weekend, when I get to have a prolonged session. The rest of the time is just an hour here and there.

Ah the joys of having to work and have a family...

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