• Greetings, Devil Dog! Welcome to the Call of Duty Forums. It looks like you're looking forward to Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, but haven't created an account yet. Why not take a minute to register for your own free account now? As a member you get free access to all of our forums and posts plus the ability to post your own messages, communicate directly with other members and much more.

Identify your equipment when posting a complaint/issue.

I have read so many complaints about the game and issues. What really helps people to try to help you is to list what platform you are using and any attached devices. This does help to trouble shoot. The other thing is to list some of the important stuff like what updates have been installed just prior to when you started to have the problem. This also includes stuff like what version of Windows if you are PC based. Trust me that it does help to trouble shoot. Finally, if you got banned then maybe share the wording or content of the notice. This does help to trouble shoot.

Another important/polite thing to do is to realize that you came here to get help. If the help you got worked or the help didnt help at all then let us know. If the help worked then probably others will get results too if they have the same or similar problems. No one here gets paid for trying to help so a bit of feedback is nice and encourages people to help more.

Happy Gaming

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