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Warzone If feels so good deleting all of my Call Of Duty games!

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I never thought I'd pull the trigger but it happened the other day and I won't be installing it again for a VERY long time. I'm sure this won't get any views but I needed to get a few things off my chest because Activision has completely destroyed the best game in my opinion. I've been playing COD before it went online. I've been playing FPS since 1994.

Things that have destroyed the game.
1. Skill based matchmaking is #1 on the list % I can't stand how you get in a game and win one or two games then you get put in the lobby's with all the 4.0kd's all playing on computers with 120 FOV and 1200 FPS when I'm on 80 FOV pushing maybe 60 FPS on a PS5.
2.There is absolutely no casual play whatsoever, zero.
3. Activision doesn't care about the community, all they care about is more money and that's EXACTLY why I stopped buying from the store!
I could go on and on but most people are getting sick of it too and it's really nice to see Activision's numbers dropping. More people need to leave this greedy company until they go back to the old Activision that I grew up with.
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