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In game MODs and controller tuning/botting

I have always been aware that the QS'ers where never legit...

Even without purchasing and installing a Cronus bot, players have managed to find a way in game to practically MOD their controllers and it's a legitimate cheat? While normal players are swinging and hawing down their thumb sticks to destruction of the device. some players and few have found a way to modify the in game aiming assist and what not so that they can keep up with players who are playing at normal speeds, and the fact is that when they do it this way; Ricochet can't boot them and they are often prescanning which means there is probably a minor use of a connected device. IT IS ANNOYING and this game will die if it continues.

Like MC5 (Outside of CoD Franchise) which is where hackers go to play against other hackers; Gameloft nor Microsoft any longer have ownership MC5 which means the game is practically dead.-- I Remember when I was in the MW360 age on my console, there were three known problems back then; The Terminal "Spawn Trap", Private hack servers, and then last but for the most part Microsoft itself... Exp -- There where actually members of Microsoft causing problems within MW360 at the time by abusing their positions in management actively in the game where the start of the Terminal issue originated...

Now that Activision is a standalone corporation, and the CoD app is available on a lot of platforms including Battlenet aka Blizzard, It pains me to think that a player with no prior experience to CoD games can go into the controller settings and just get diamond camo on their weapons before they even reach five stars. just simply by modifying the way the controller reacts to other players; you can be flying into a destination and easily be gunned down before even landing. One of my silent proverbs on any FPS game is that "If I can't do it neither should you". I've all but stopped playing Warzone because of cheaters. Hated resurgence; and have stopped playing plunder after the BO6 swap over. It looks like other people are dropping out too, I've also seed that the Modders are moving into MP which is where I usually stay on KCF. TDM is swarming with MODs and are almost migrating to kill confirmed as well. it's annoying that I can't keep up with them. I've already boycotted four maps ranging from Subsonic, Red Card, Derelict, and Hacienda. and it looks as if more are soon to follow if the MODs get worse. I do not have the mental stamina to keep up with controller modding in game and it's starting to look as if the platform is cheerleading them on. I just want things to be normal and for everybody. not just the rich...

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