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Little kid in BO2 trolls for no reason


Staff member
I've been trying to get a kill for a quarter of a match. Then, I decided - because there was nobody in the other building - I decided to switch locations. This kid, happened to spawn behind me because I'm the "leader." So, this kid decides to troll me for no reason at all....

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FksTI_WggTI

As you can see, I went into the corner to get my killstreak on. He gets in front of me, trying to block my pathway to get out.. I got angry, and decided to send him a PSN message. I "reported" him for boosting (because what happened wasn't a cheat), then I went back and forth with him about it - lo and behold, he continues to troll. Continues to be an asshat. Along the way, I got him to admit:

To cheating. He was racking up 45-50 kills each match. Something smells fishy here. After this match, I decided to do some investigating - I have found that his connection was so good, that he could zap around a little faster.
To trolling. If that video above isn't trolling, then I don't know what is. The guy thinks it's fun to troll, simply. I still have the PSN message.

In both admittance, I reported him. *Claps and rubs*

Now, I'm going to go ahead and send this to Activision/Treyarch.

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