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Looking for clan xbox one


Hello I am looking for an Xbox One clan! I am a very laid back guy, very competitive but also like to have a great time! I'm looking for a clan where I can make friends and make the most of my cod experiance. Below will be some more info about myself as a CoD gamer.

K.D: 1.16
Prestige 2 level 47 as of now
Faveorite game mode: CTF, Uplink, SnD, but I play everything
Faveorite Gun: kuda\VMP
Faveorite specialist: Battery/Ruin
Time zone: Mountain Standard , I play whenever my schedule is rotating. So I don't have set times to play

So if there are any good clans out there who are looking to add to the family look my way!! Just overall looking to find a family of friends to hangout and play with in COD and other games as well!!! Can contact me in game @ Gamertag: Gr1mH4wk12 hope to hear from some of you soon!!

Aurum Angel

Hi, you may just be the kind of person I need to help me build my clan. Please read my recent Clan Recruitment post and if you're interested, send me a message.

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