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PSN looking for competitive WW2 clan in Australia



I'm Yuki from Japan, now I'm staying Australia. Currently I'm looking for competitive WW2 clan. Actually I haven't played IW and MW2R because I had to make graduation thesis for my bachelor degree in last year . So I'm not sure now which level am I…
In my homecounty I had played COD by a mouse in PS4 since BO until BO3. My K/D on BO3 was 3.57 and most used weapon was Gorgon(K/D 3.31 Accuracy 33%). Now I started to play BO3 by a controller again on a different account. It's KD was 2.11 and most used weapon is 48 Dredge(K/D 1.91 Accuracy 31%). I don't know such a low K/D was caused by time gap or playing by controller. Now I'm making a gaming environment same as Japan, so I already ordered mouse and it will arrive in couple days.
If some clan interest in me, please send e-mail by COD forums.
My COD account in Japan is Jezur_uxie.
I don't wanna show my COD account in Australia because it using just for getting used to play COD again. Later I will make main account in Australia.

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