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Multiplayer Killstreaks

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How did you guys feel about the killstreaks on Black Ops given that it's totally different from Modern Warfare? To me I think the Killstreaks on Black Ops were way too easy to achieve and those damn dogs! I'm not bragging because I'm not that kind of player but I do remember some games ending with my k/d at 110-10 and so on because of how easy it was to get the dogs and the chopper.

What was your highest killstreak? Mine was if I can remember 123 kills and 17 deaths.
It's just one of the many perks of being good at the game. My highest kill streak was at around 50 kills. The better the kill streak award, the more it drives a player to become better at the game. It's ingenious, but yes, I do agree with you that snowballing in the game is very present, should it be rethought? I don't think so.
They were fairly easy to get, yes. That was one of the reasons why I liked them, though. Yeah it sucked when somebody else used them against you, but you can get them just as easily. I'd probably like it if they were harder to get, though. Something to strive for and evens out gameplay in the end.
They were fairly easy to get, yes. That was one of the reasons why I liked them, though. Yeah it sucked when somebody else used them against you, but you can get them just as easily. I'd probably like it if they were harder to get, though. Something to strive for and evens out gameplay in the end.

Yeah that's what I mean, as fun as it was to get high kill/death ratios after a while it would just get boring and I started to feel bad agaisnt the other players, specially new players because everyone would rage quit and I knew I wasn't making it fun for other players, I would've liked high killstreaks that were hard to get to even it out like you said and not constantly killing the other team without giving them a chance and it would've made everyone work harder to get them, kind of like on MW3.
Ugh yeah I remember getting wrecked because of those killstreaks, it's one of the main reasons why I turned the game in as soon as Modern Warfare 3 came out, even if you were a good player it didn't matter because if your team sucked the other team would get the streaks and destroy you completely and it wasn't fun.
I honestly like that the killstreaks are easier to get. But I never use the dogs. I always use the RC-XD, the Napalm Strike, and the Attack Chopper. That's usually how I win, to be honest.
The killstreaks on black ops were WAAAY TO EASY TO GET!

Dogs at 11 kills? Really? That's it? Once you got dogs on TDM it was game over!

I still liked it though.. Racking up those kills ;)
My highest was dogs, Agreed the killstreaks were very easy to obtain in matches.
The new one is much better and makes the game more enjoyable.
It would be good if I could still get all those kills :)

How did you guys feel about the killstreaks on Black Ops given that it's totally different from Modern Warfare? To me I think the Killstreaks on Black Ops were way too easy to achieve and those damn dogs! I'm not bragging because I'm not that kind of player but I do remember some games ending with my k/d at 110-10 and so on because of how easy it was to get the dogs and the chopper.

What was your highest killstreak? Mine was if I can remember 123 kills and 17 deaths.
Truthfully, I would argue the opposite. MW2's ability to compound killstreaks was game breaking in a number of circumstances. It really doesn't matter which side gets it, a nuke is never fun for anyone but the one person who got it and it gets to a point where 1 out of every 3 games there's someone ending things early because they got choppers then dogs, etc. Black Ops took that away. If you got dogs in Black Ops, it's because you earned them. The fact that you saw them so often was because the gifted players knew it was an effective streak.

At the heart of this, however, is the thought that maybe kill streaks are a busted concept at this point. Rewarding players who are already doing well by giving them even more kills is kind of bizarre. I would actually prefer to see kill streaks gifted to people who are failing miserably.

"But BTC, then every game would devolve into a "get killed the most times" mess".

Perhaps. But, if you match make according to K/D and W/L ratios, you'll have a scenario where the cheap players who simply wish to wallow in the slums of poor sportsmanship will end up always end up in their own lobbies. People who perform better will face increasingly competent competition. Those who want to genuinely play the game will find themselves paired with teams and opponents in lobbies full of like minded individuals. You could further encourage great sportsmanship by creating tiers which are traversible by either doing really well or very poorly, giving some kind of trophy or additional in game features. Everyone gets their cake.
The killstreaks are so much cooler, it was a great idea. Although when someone gets those dogs, especially on something like Nuketown, my heart drops into my stomach. There is no way out.
I didn't find them any easier to achieve but I'm no pro player. Not even semi-pro but I'd still consider myself to be above average. I like the killstreaks better than the ones on Modern Warfare 2 and I like that they got rid of the nuke so matches can go on longer even when someone is completely dominating. I've probably only gotten dogs maybe six times and they bring back memories of WaW when dogs could make or break the match for you depending on what time you are on. My highest killstreak (not including kills from killstreaks) was only something like 16 or 18 and it wasn't often that I'd get more than 6 kills per life. In my opinion, if you can get 11 kills in a row then you deserve the dogs but that's just from my perspective since I see that as slightly difficult to get. I think in a way it's more fair though because not everyone is extremely good at the game and this way it's easier for the less skilled to get killstreaks that they would have never experienced before in Modern Warfare 2.
If I remember correctly, my highest was about 50/12 or so. I'm not that great at getting killstreaks. Though I do agree the dogs are cheap. It's like adding fast automated kill machines to a team, multiple of them, and half the time they're more efficient at what they do than your teammates! The chopper is bad, but the dogs can get anyone anywhere. At least the opposing team can hide from a chopper.
I personally enjoyed the killstreaks on Black Ops, especially because one killstreak didn't lead to another. To compare, on MW2, getting a 7 killstreak (harriers) basically lead to a nuke, as the harrier, and then the chopper gunner, would do all the work.
My setup was always UAV, Blackbird then Attack Dogs, and I found this setup to be the best for my playstyle haha. All in all I actually enjoyed the BO killstreaks :)
Yeah you're completely right about that, it was particularly easy to get killstreaks in Black Ops.
I have fond memories of those dastardly attack dogs, why how overpowered were they?
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