The MOST ACTIVE Hardcore Search & Destroy Community in the Game right now. This is a guarantee. Bu for North American and European players but all regions are welcome.
Every single night we have 2-5 full lobbies of our guys and girls playing Modern Warfare. We also run lobbies for Cold War HC SND, League Play,and now Zombies!
We have a LEVEL 3 Boosted Discord and have a partnership with Discord Pending. Our server is extremely active with not only players looking to play but also just to hang out and talk.
We have weekly Scrims/Clan Wars with other organizations and several clan only events.
As the leader of the community I have a 2KD+ in both HC SND and Warzone. I do not care about your stats at all. I only mention this because between myself and our other highly talented players we can help you improve tremendously at the game. All Skill Levels are welcome.
We also have an exclusively female discord private chat and Regiment for our “Drip Gang Babes”.
• 18+ (Preferred)
• Have a Mic
• Must be Active on Discord
• No Racism/Sexism
• No Game Activity requirements. We have military, emergency services, oil rig workers, trucker’s and various other players that have to disappear for weeks at a time. Try to keep us in the loop and it’s all good.
If this is something that interests you then please stop by our discord and introduce yourself.
You may join with this link below:
Invite Link: https://discord.gg/dripgang
Every single night we have 2-5 full lobbies of our guys and girls playing Modern Warfare. We also run lobbies for Cold War HC SND, League Play,and now Zombies!
We have a LEVEL 3 Boosted Discord and have a partnership with Discord Pending. Our server is extremely active with not only players looking to play but also just to hang out and talk.
We have weekly Scrims/Clan Wars with other organizations and several clan only events.
As the leader of the community I have a 2KD+ in both HC SND and Warzone. I do not care about your stats at all. I only mention this because between myself and our other highly talented players we can help you improve tremendously at the game. All Skill Levels are welcome.
We also have an exclusively female discord private chat and Regiment for our “Drip Gang Babes”.
• 18+ (Preferred)
• Have a Mic
• Must be Active on Discord
• No Racism/Sexism
• No Game Activity requirements. We have military, emergency services, oil rig workers, trucker’s and various other players that have to disappear for weeks at a time. Try to keep us in the loop and it’s all good.
If this is something that interests you then please stop by our discord and introduce yourself.
You may join with this link below:
Invite Link: https://discord.gg/dripgang