As you can see open Beta for pre order and regular not pre order players the game generates very low interest and it will stay this way for long time until they innovate, come up with something new and interesting, not to give us only slide cancel option. On streaming platforms MW franchise barely touching 30k viewers at its peek, at rare occasions, sometimes is 7k due to promoted streamers by Activision.
If you remember WZ one we had over 100k viewers and it was played more than Apex now is the opposite. Biggest streamers have quit playing the game long time, because it is so broken, unbalanced and unfair. Now about the visuals in MW3, yesterday I have played the beta multiplayer, man this was Counter Strike 2 visuals even at Ultra settings 4090rtx 4K resolution it was disgusting. Horrible visuals and graphics, audio the same STEREO only, no 5.1 no, Dolby Atmos as it had before in early WZ 2.
The game is absolutely the same, not even expansion and they trying to ask you for full DLC 70 euro/usd, I won't pay even 5. This game by far has the biggest numbers of crashes, bugs and glitches. It takes them 1 year and still not enough to fix. I play Ranked WZ and sometimes I get your profile was signed out and your kicked out of the game, you lose big number of points and you can't comeback to the game until you fix game files on steam or battle net which takes around 7 minutes. The game still have hackers and Activision can't manage, no don't want to waste time on hackers to fix the PROBLEM, because it must develop every MONTH new season for you to buy, bundles, operators and such. You have to pay real money in order to have slimmer, darker, less visible operators to have advantage on enemies.
Who supports this game must be brainwashed, lowest IQ in the world, lost its mind, or promoted by Activision to speak the opposite, or kids who doesn't know what a normal game should be. If you pick BF5 the visuals, the sound, the gameplay, the whole experience you are immersed into the game and thrilled. I can't wait for new BF game release which will come after a few months. Then I will delete any Activision and Blizzard game, I had enough, they rotten every game they touch in the past 10 years. You can't release every year new game of the same origin while you haven't fixed all bugs on yours previous game and you have little to none innovations and gameplay to offer. Same story with Iphone nothing to offer in 2023 but they still released the Iphone 15 which is worse by any mean than 14. They are talking about less footprint on the planet by saving their money on your back of not sending charger and headphones anymore, other manufactures too, not only apple. Same time they produce new model every year without major improvements neither innovations. How they lower the footprint by producing new models every year with minor, barely noticeable changes?
If you remember WZ one we had over 100k viewers and it was played more than Apex now is the opposite. Biggest streamers have quit playing the game long time, because it is so broken, unbalanced and unfair. Now about the visuals in MW3, yesterday I have played the beta multiplayer, man this was Counter Strike 2 visuals even at Ultra settings 4090rtx 4K resolution it was disgusting. Horrible visuals and graphics, audio the same STEREO only, no 5.1 no, Dolby Atmos as it had before in early WZ 2.
The game is absolutely the same, not even expansion and they trying to ask you for full DLC 70 euro/usd, I won't pay even 5. This game by far has the biggest numbers of crashes, bugs and glitches. It takes them 1 year and still not enough to fix. I play Ranked WZ and sometimes I get your profile was signed out and your kicked out of the game, you lose big number of points and you can't comeback to the game until you fix game files on steam or battle net which takes around 7 minutes. The game still have hackers and Activision can't manage, no don't want to waste time on hackers to fix the PROBLEM, because it must develop every MONTH new season for you to buy, bundles, operators and such. You have to pay real money in order to have slimmer, darker, less visible operators to have advantage on enemies.
Who supports this game must be brainwashed, lowest IQ in the world, lost its mind, or promoted by Activision to speak the opposite, or kids who doesn't know what a normal game should be. If you pick BF5 the visuals, the sound, the gameplay, the whole experience you are immersed into the game and thrilled. I can't wait for new BF game release which will come after a few months. Then I will delete any Activision and Blizzard game, I had enough, they rotten every game they touch in the past 10 years. You can't release every year new game of the same origin while you haven't fixed all bugs on yours previous game and you have little to none innovations and gameplay to offer. Same story with Iphone nothing to offer in 2023 but they still released the Iphone 15 which is worse by any mean than 14. They are talking about less footprint on the planet by saving their money on your back of not sending charger and headphones anymore, other manufactures too, not only apple. Same time they produce new model every year without major improvements neither innovations. How they lower the footprint by producing new models every year with minor, barely noticeable changes?