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MW3 Zombies

why Flare


1. MW3Z does not all for users in game to leave their lobby party and as such players can get griefed by early exvils and pulled out of a game without even dying making the player loose all progress on that character. Including gained acquisitions and XP.

2. MW3Z does not allow players to 6 Stack in lobbies but does allow team size of six in game. ((Work around is as follows) Have two teams on the same region and Que at the same time).

3. MW3Z Has powerful mercenaries that 1 tap 3 plate shields and 2 tap players knocking them as such. (Note these are simple ones like the shield and Sargeant NPCs).

4. MW3Z Has map bugs that can affect controls (opening and closing map while moving cursor reflects character movements and bugs controls out).

5. MW3Z Has operator bugs that can cause users to disconnect randomly making users reluctant to bring acquisitions in game.

6. Call of duty forums needs to pay close attention to my forums threads as I don't bs them and will give grade A input as to what needs to be fixed to improve user player base.

*** Edit in line 1. All = Allow ***

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