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Multi NeutralgaminG -NTLZ- Clan Recruitment!


Hey y'all!

My clan NeutralgaminG (NTLZ) is looking for more active players to join our regiment and squad.
We currently have 10 open spots in the squad. NTLZ took 1st place 3 weeks in a row, earning special calling cards and 2xp tokens! If you'd like to join search for NeutralgaminG in the 'ops' portion of the app. Weekly contribution is required to stay in the squad.

If you are interested in joining the regiment feel free to send me a message here and I will get you an invite. Our regiment 2xp is from 9PM EST - 10PM EST.

We have a Facebook group to chat and share epic events! https://www.facebook.com/groups/1489420591220711

Frag on!

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