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New to COD Forum, have my first edit YouTube videos to share

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We run these games when we get a strong team, with teamwork. It's not easy otherwise it wouldn't be any fun right. Anyway, I have a YouTube channel although I haven't really been promoting, it's just for fun. Been clipping 10 mins at a time since last year. Finally, was able to go back and detail each video however I wasn't satisfied. I don't think everyone is going to watch them all since its 10 mins straight, with no edit. So have downloaded all the content to my pc and finally started using all this data to make my first Video Edits.

I'm currently using DaVinci software to edit and render the videos. (why? well its free)

Soon I'll have all compilations of final kill cam in rebirth, a few br videos, atv run overs, c4 clutch wins, etc. I have a ton of videos.

The first project was dedicated to my teammates.
Didn't want to showcase my wins and final kills so these two videos below are Part 1 and 2 of spectating final kill cams/assist in Rebirth.

Enjoy and if you like and subscribe then that would be cool too.


View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7bIvaU7KuM

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yOzzpvBILXA

I am new to this forum ty
Hey @ReconRick008 welcome to CoDForums.

I watched the first half of the first video while I was getting ready for work.

Will try and watch the rest later, really enjoyed what I saw.

Keep up the good work.
I've watched and liked at videos, though the 2000 years later, 12 seconds later, x time later, got a bit tiresome, I think once per video is ok, after that, it's too much, IMHO.

I liked that the videos were more about teamwork then they were about just your own skills.

There are too many videos that are about the creator, you are doing more to edify your team and celebrate the teamwork, I hope you keep that theme running throughout.
thanks for the feedback, noted. i changed it up on the 3rd video. used movie style fonts and effects. thats definitely and better look than sponge bob hahaha.

i think thats the only spectating videos i have. Going to dig through the rest of the videos and see about doing another team work themed edit.
Alright, last night I found more footage of team work @KeyboardDemon. Last night i was up late editing and all i need now is copyright free music and missing text/effects. This 4th video will probably be the last team work video since we need more footage.

After the 4th i will be making videos of some nasty final kill cams and crazy cali stick melees and much more. This is just the beginning.

I guess i can keep posting the video links in here instead of creating more threads.

Davinci software is no joke. Video should be ready by tonight
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