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New Youtube channel for your highlight clips!


Im very passionate on videogames and I have made highlight clip videos little over a year now, but only for my and friends amusement, for now.
NOW I started new youtube channel, where Im going to share Your clips.
If you want so share your amazing and/or funny clip, go here and fill a form → https://forms.gle/dq6CJMqVyhhVVBeV9
If you have your own Twitch, Twitter, Youtube etc channel, add that link in that form too, so I can promote you, if you want.

Ouright, lets have fun and share your cool clips!

Best Regards,
TOP Game Plays

And remember to order this channel, so you wont miss any videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2ldziRe7lkZUHUgG8ZAoyw?sub_confirmation=1

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