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Warzone 4.0 Please Help! Hold melee bugged


I've tried looking into this on my own, but can't find anything about this. I'm currently trying to go for the abyss camo in warzone but im stuck in a situation with my melee weapons/melee on weapons. When i have my settings set to hold melee it comes out as a default knife then it visually disappears off screen unless i do melee. no skins or camos show up on any melee weapon. now when i change it to cycle through weapons on settings it comes out normally with skins/camos and all kills count towards camo progression, but if i were to swap to another weapon like an smg or AR when i try to melee it uses the knife and not the but of the gun. if i had hold for melee weapon on it would use the but of the gun. idk i have no idea how to solve this.
I have the same problem, when i join a game i can only use the default knife, does someone have the same problem?
SOOLVED!!!!!, the issue was throwing knives, for some reason when having a throwing knive equipped it uses that as your base melee and not your actual melee weapon, as long as you dont have it on you can hold swap to your melee perfectly fine.

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