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Multi Plunder!!


Looking to play with some new people, fed up of randoms, 2 of us from the UK. Play every evening and weekends. Only play Plunder, get in touch if you want some new squad members!!
Hello there, I come from a clan called The Art of Warfare (TAW) that has been existing for almost 18 years. We have a great community of around 1800 members and plenty of different games. Your only responsibilities are to come on weekly Mandatories or excuse yourself if you are not available. We get that everyone has something IRL, so don't worry about it, we are not some hardcore clan. We are recruiting 16+ and we communicate over TeamSpeak, but we often create our own discords as well. If you'd be interested head onto our website: taw.net My callsign is SmoothSpaniard.

We also have a big group of about 30 or more guys from the EU and UK that are in our clan that play COD let me know if I can help.


Hello there, I come from a clan called The Art of Warfare (TAW) that has been existing for almost 18 years. We have a great community of around 1800 members and plenty of different games. Your only responsibilities are to come on weekly Mandatories or excuse yourself if you are not available. We get that everyone has something IRL, so don't worry about it, we are not some hardcore clan. We are recruiting 16+ and we communicate over TeamSpeak, but we often create our own discords as well. If you'd be interested head onto our website: taw.net My callsign is SmoothSpaniard.

We also have a big group of about 30 or more guys from the EU and UK that are in our clan that play COD let me know if I can help.
Thanks for your reply, but not interested in joining a clan. Just looking for some people to play with.


Hello mate I'm from the UK and just same as you don't want a clan but just want people to play with I set up discord server few of us on there all from UK, anyone is welcome to come and go please it's just a lounge to find people https://discord.gg/ccSjAm

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