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Multi -Pressure Sniping Recruitment- [ANY PLATFORM]

PrSn Sliver

Pressure Sniping

Pressure Sniping is a new team/clan and we are in need or recruits.
We need people who can consistently hit clips whether they're feeds,
trickshots, or what have you. Here is a list of positions we need filled.

- Trickshotters
- Snipers
- Editors
- Designers
- Content Creators

This list is what we are looking for to kick things off. We don't mind
what console you play on all we require is that you own a CAPTURE
CARD (Elgato HD60, Roxio, Hauppauge, ETC.)

Please don't ask age limit as you have to be 17 to even
access this website so we expect that you're mature enough.

The best way to get in contact with the Owner of Pressure is through Twitter.
Tweet at @PrSnSilver or tweet at the team twitter @PressureSniping for
any further questions. We hope we can not only build
a team but a family.

Remember No Pressure.... ;)


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