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Pros & Cons?

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I have not yet purchased this game as of yet. It is literally the first out of the Call of Duty series that I have not purchased the exact same day that it hit stores. I am planning on buying it here in a few days, but thought I would get a little discussion going on it. What are the Pro's and Con's of the game? What do you think about it compared to the rest of the Call of Duty series?

Thank you!


Its only pro is that it has a pretty fun MP. But it definitely has a lot more cons, such as copy/pasting a scene from MW2 or having awful graphics compared to the system requirements.


I'd say the pros are the great weapons -- I like almost all of the AR and SMG, and squads is really fun to play. The cons are the maps and campers. Unfortunately with large maps comes campers and snipers for the cheap and easy kills, so that always takes the fun away. It's no fun running around for ten minutes just to get sniped from half the map away from someone sitting on their thumb.


Pros: Different multiplayer experience and vastly different maps make you change up your strategy. The perk system is really cool, letting you hone in on the strategy of your choice. Lots of weapon types.

Cons: Campers. Lots and lots of campers. It arguably destroys multiplayer on certain maps.
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