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Xbox Live QuiT Gaming Recruting

QuiT Gaming has been around since 2014 and is an online gaming community made up from competitive gamers that wanted to bring the fun back into gaming. We are a Xbox One gaming community, with different divisions to suit everyones needs. Quit Gaming is a very active community, with around 50 members currently active in the divisions listed. We have many community events like game Nights, tourneys, and Giveaways for our members. We have both casual and competitive gamers the only requirements are maturity and a Headset

Current Divisions:

Call of Duty




Each division has different Leaders and Captains We are always looking for more people to join QuiT...we're are a family! IF you want to join an active community with players who enjoy gaming as much as you do, then QuiT Gaming is the place for you!

If interested in Joining please MSG me (QuiT SyraCuse) or (Quit Ottomattik)

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