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Reporting and Tracking site for Black Ops 6 problems, glitches and issues.



This is the same as the one I posted up last year for Modern Warfare 3.
Round 8 of Zombies, on Liberty Falls, first time it just happened, but for 5 minutes of walking around, and out maneuvering the last zombie, I lost him where he didn't show up. I sat in spawn with rage inducer on and I ended up getting kicked for inactivity for waiting
BUG: Ninja perk does not work properly in Search and Destroy gamemodes.

The intended behaviour of having your footsteps be silent seems to work from your perspective; however, your teammates and enemies can hear your footsteps as if you didn't have Ninja equipped. Ever hear your teammate stomping around but they assure you they have Ninja? This is the bug.

Workaround: At the beginning of every round, swap to any other loadout and then swap back to the desired loadout you wish to run. It does not matter if whether or not the loadout you are swapping to has Ninja, you just need to make the swap to any other loadout before swapping back to the loadout you wish to run for the round.

Super annoying bug with a super repetitive workaround, but it seems to do the trick. Watched tons of hours of pro play and they all have been doing it. It seems this bug has been in since launch and there is still no fix for it. And again, it ONLY seems to be for SnD. RIP SnD bros.
Fuck this game. I get kicked the first ranked game every single time i log into the game. But then it runs perfect after that. It has now happened 3 times and i have a 30 minute ban because of it. I have tried loading into a normal multiplayer game and it doesn't fix it. Have reached out to cod and they don't give a shit about us. Its so dumb that they havn't added a reload feature to their ranked system.
Gunfighter Wildcard Issue

I when I go and equip the Gunfighter Wildcard and then add the extra attachments to my primary and then go into a match I can't use my primary weapon and it defaults to the Secondary. Why does this happen?
Since Blackops 6 Warzone Season 1 launched. My (and a ton of people on Reddit) Ghost, Golden Phantom Skin is locked, the one the community received by playing Warzone Mobile that was to be unlocked for Warzone. I have used this skin as my main in Warzone for months. Now its locked, since the launch of Season 1 with Black Ops 6.

I am not the only one. Tons of Reddit folks claiming this same issue.

Is their a work around for this?
Need to fix the spawns cuz I'm getting in matches where I'm getting spawned kills. I was in multiple matches where I spawned 12 times and died. I had no time to move forward. Please fix it where I'm not getting spawned next to the enemy and it doesn't matter what game mode I'm in.
Just a quick reminder here guys, reporting issues here does not make Activision aware of your concern. You must go to the site that the provided link takes you and make the official report there.
Just a quick reminder here guys, reporting issues here does not make Activision aware of your concern. You must go to the site that the provided link takes you and make the official report there.
Thank you, I knew and understand that. I also don't think that Activision cares when a handful of gamers report a problem, which might not everyone has.
BTW yesterday, one of my daily challenges, " get 10 Kills while sliding or diving" was not be able to finish, due to after doing so 5 times it would not count anymore. At one point I had 6 kills in a row while sliding and did not count towards the challenge. Had similar bugs before, where like C4 kills were not counting etc.

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