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Warzone 2.0 Season 02 First Thoughts


The Equalizer
First and foremost.. NO PLUNDER!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Second.. Weapons screen is different.. More detail.. Looks good... Still glitching and leaving parts out of INSURED WEAPONS..


That's all so far...
Further thoughts..

Japanese tinged music is going to get old real fast.. Don't get me wrong.. I spent a couple years on Okinawa.. I met my lovely wife of 41 years there.. I love the Japanese culture.. But the ting ding ting music is very grating...

They shuffled the EXFIL points.. That's kewl... I like that change of pace..

The HeartBeat Sensor is messed up..


I hope that's one of the first things they fix.. I depend a lot on my HBS..

I opened a Loot Box and there was a P-90.. But I didna have a Med+ backpack.. Found a Med BP upstairs but when I went back to the Loot Box the P-90 was gone.. :(

Oh.. Did I mention that there is NO PLUNDER!!! :(
Damn!! I knew I left something out..

A very good thing.. You get to keep Stronghold Key Cards when you exfil.. THAT is a definite plus...
Now THIS is interesting!! :D


If I am reading this right, this means you can exfil with Body Armor et al in your pack and maintain them in your base "Stash"...

This is the EXACT feature I called for at the beginning of DMZ... Glad ta see that it became a reality...

So, people.. Pick up an extra vest or 2 when yer pillaging Al Mazrah... :D
More Thoughts...

Second match, I killed myself on a train... It seems to be a bit harder to jump on a train.. Or I am just an uncoordinated moron.. : D

Was able to use the Poor Man's PLEA FOR HELP and actually got a response and joined a team while down.. This leads me to believe that the radius for inter-team contact (including proximity chat) is a lot wider...

Unfortunately, this was an uncoordinated team that was NOT on comms so everyone went their separate ways and I was killed...

AIs seem to be a LOT more prevalent and concentrated..

More thoughts as the day progresses...
Third Match...

Yes. I can confirm that there is a DEFINITE plethora of AIs. The bot count has increased by a factor of 5....

And more bad news.. The locked rooms on the 3rd floor of the flooded city hotel that were accessible from the roof?? Those rooms are no longer accessible.. :(

On the plus side, we now have Jet Skis :D And all of the loot boxes and such appear to be all in the same place...

All of these notes come from the Al Masrah map of Season 2.. I haven't ventured over to Ashika Island yet..
I am more and more liking the new ExFils... :D


This one hangs over a cliff... These are nice because it eliminates 2 ingress that an enemy can exploit.. With these Exfils, you only have to cover the back door... :D

Sadly, I must report that the STASH I listed above does NOT allow you to ExFil with and stash extra backpacks and body armour.... No word yet on exactly WHAT you can stash in that section...
There is definitely an increase in AI presence...

Love the new Xfils that hang over a cliff..

And a BIG Plus...

Weapons Cool Down times have been cut in half.. Your 1st insured you only lose for an hour.. Your 2nd insured you lose for 2 hours..

Definitely a step in the right direction..

Personally, they should get rid of that altogether, but I'll take what I can get.. :D
Well, the DID fix the Heartbeat Sensor... So, good on them..

And some of the background music is reminiscent of BATTLESTAR GALACTIC, the remake version.. So that's not too bad...

But gods, the AI needs to be nerf'ed BIG TIME!!
The GOOD news is, it seems easier to find 3-plate vests...

The BAD news is, the AI is so buff'ed to hell and back, it makes no difference.. Yer still toast.. :confused: :confused:
There is a new train running thru Al Mazrah...

It appears to be a slow moving passenger train that runs counter to the existing cargo train..

No word yet as to what's on it..

It's chock full o loot boxes and duffle-bags.. Great source for weapons and stuff if you deployed light.. Didn't see much Tier 3 stuff, but did get a couple KillStreaks...

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