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Suggestion - Treyarch - Possible rework to counter Flak Jacket perk?

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This post is just a copy over from what I've posted on Reddit.
It is purely just to spread the message in hopes that the Developers can see and also for community feedback on the thought! :)

With the amount of complaints and frustration over the TOTALLY broken Flak Jacket perk...
Treyarch, if you don't want to nerf the "FLaK jaCKeT" perk; that's fine....maybe you can rework some of the other perks to counter it?

My suggestion is to possibly buff the "Danger Close" wild card so that rockets / launchers (or explosives in general) do more damage and has bigger explosion radius alongside with carrying extra lethal / tactical equipment which already comes with the card. I wouldn't even be mad if you removed the carrying extra part, the main point I'm trying to put across is the increased damage / radius. So even against people who run flak jacket, they can be killed? Either 1 shot on HC or within a 80 - 90% explosion radius close to the enemy?

This seem fair as most users run "Perk Greed" wildcard which allows the user to have 2 perks within each category. This means by equipping "Danger Close", they have to sacrifice equipping an extra perk (whether it be Ninja or Ghost which are the 2 most popular perks in Perk 3).

So it is like a trade-off in my opinion and seems fair because at the moment, little to nobody runs "Danger Close" because it just isn't good enough. Especially given the TTK in cold war is relatively quick meaning you're more likely to die / respawn with those equipment again and that both Quartermaster and Scavenger are within the same perk category which works better and more consistent making the "Danger Close" wildcard useless. Considering that wildcard only allows you to carry 1 perk in each category as well....
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