If you guys were trying to flat out ruin this game you definitely succeeded. You put lasers and lights on every gulag gun there is then you have all these pay to win supped up guns for people to buy on top of you have the realistic of it all messed up where I have videos of me shooting people at point blank range 7-10 times to the face they live meanwhile they hit me 4 times to the stomach and I die. Then there is the facts that you totally destroyed the RPG’s and Grenade launchers to where I have hit people with 3 rpgs or even 6 grenades and they live. No where in this planet is that even remotely plausible yet , here you are call of duty screwing it up more and more. Half of the perks are not working right , the parachute deployment is all jacked up, AND this snipers y’all have are extremely over powered . How about you guys make it a even playing field where the same bullet placements and hits and damage is the same on everyone instead you help this sorry a** players that can’t get kills by make us better players easy to kill and our bullets do less damage. Wake the F up guys! Your losing more good players and good $ then you think. This is why every single person I know and stream to have all refused to spend a single penny on a game that is totally SHIT! Get it together soon or your gonna lose a lot more !