Tired of every little possible thing they can make into a microtransaction, they turn into one. We are already paying for a premium game at premium price, for a game that gets a new release each year, at increasing price just about each one to, and garuntee there'll be another one and theyll blame inflation even though games arent exactly part of a supply chain, and dont need to be trucked several times along such. Most are sold digitally and thus wont excuse it. Devs already make higher than minimum wage so cant blame them for the increases. But i digress. Back to the point.
If your going to charge for things like gobblegum, which you shouldnt, they should be like what they were in the past and unlockables with unlimited uses, but seeing as they still found a way to get away with thinking its not a dumb idea, even though it is, they should only charge for a permanent unlock. Not this hogwash of an excuse system for packs to stock random chosen ones that will most likely NOT be what anyone needs or wants, just so theyll get even more.
Every title that gets released now days is just making the gaming industry less and less appealing and much easier to turn your back on with the money gouging and ridiculous need to sell the idea that everything needs to be a joblike grind, like its not meant to be fun, not meant to unwind at the end of the day, and be stressful and packed full of people with controllers sliding out of their hands from how sweaty theyre getting.
Games were made for people to have fun and enjoy and get away from the stresses of reality. Not get off work just to go back to work in a digital world that has no payoff besides self gratification or less self confidence than when they started because of the promoting griefing people and lack of moderating kids with parents that dont parent and get on the mic to talk to everyone in ways that if your an adult, you get shadow banned or perma muted yet they continue getting to run their mouths.
Society already has enough bills throughout its day, on top of the millions of live services that every franchise thinks it needs to seperate itself by establishing its own, leaving you with 5.99 charge if you want to go to commercial, another 5.99 per month to use the restroom and pause the stream, another 5.99 for one channel, another for a different channel. Surprised theres not a $10 a month mcdonalds drive thru fee.
If mcdonalds thought like the digital industry, Itd be live service for fries, more creds for a bun, another cred for katchup, 2 for no onions, 5 for the meat, 6 for the pickle for some reason just because they can, and 10 for the box or wrapper of your choice. Then the checkout fee, and speedy service fee.
Where does it end though with the digital industry when people finally have had enough and demand change to it?
Is it gonna take literally not being able to afford it because they charge more than everyone makes, but its manipulated you enough to open your wallets that it takes a bankruptsy to become aware of the growing problem and advantage theyre taking of people.
Not just that but they use your kids to into your wallets to.
Thats the lowest anyone can get right their, unless of course your speaking of the ones actually falling for it and forking it over to their kids just to makem shut up. Thats rock bottom.
But hey, i guess it is to be expected, we are talking microsoft here, and nothing is better at taking you for everything you got that it can get away with, while leaving you with no ownership over anything like microsoft. And with activision, well its obvious. But when are people going to hitm where it hurts to show them the community they rely on isnt taking it, isnt ignorant of what theyredoing, and wont accept it when its already obvious most of the bloattransactions are unnecessary and destroying the joy that games aresupposed to bring.
I already expect none of the younger ones tounderstand or even be able to consider much of this, let alone support what older people who this industry was built by and for originally, but a lot of this stuff they nickel and dime you for use to come with the full game and itd be polished and ready to play upon release. Not charge you before its doneto guage whetheritll sell enough copies and if not, cancel it without refunding.
Well i just hope im posting this in the correct place and that it doesnt get deleted before it can get put where the correct place would be. Do to it if i missed something or should be included. Be nice if its ltd be taken suriously by whom it would matter. A constructive discussion would be best. Not looking for an editor for grammar analysis or correcting. Not reading troll comments.
Yes i know this is a long post but i am posting it anyways wether you want to read it or not. Wether you want to or not is irrelivant to make a comment saying you cant read or wont take the time to read even though your in a text based forum where reading is a necessary skill to get this far. Noones forcing you. And if you do read it, i appretiate you taking the time to. Really.
If your going to charge for things like gobblegum, which you shouldnt, they should be like what they were in the past and unlockables with unlimited uses, but seeing as they still found a way to get away with thinking its not a dumb idea, even though it is, they should only charge for a permanent unlock. Not this hogwash of an excuse system for packs to stock random chosen ones that will most likely NOT be what anyone needs or wants, just so theyll get even more.
Every title that gets released now days is just making the gaming industry less and less appealing and much easier to turn your back on with the money gouging and ridiculous need to sell the idea that everything needs to be a joblike grind, like its not meant to be fun, not meant to unwind at the end of the day, and be stressful and packed full of people with controllers sliding out of their hands from how sweaty theyre getting.
Games were made for people to have fun and enjoy and get away from the stresses of reality. Not get off work just to go back to work in a digital world that has no payoff besides self gratification or less self confidence than when they started because of the promoting griefing people and lack of moderating kids with parents that dont parent and get on the mic to talk to everyone in ways that if your an adult, you get shadow banned or perma muted yet they continue getting to run their mouths.
Society already has enough bills throughout its day, on top of the millions of live services that every franchise thinks it needs to seperate itself by establishing its own, leaving you with 5.99 charge if you want to go to commercial, another 5.99 per month to use the restroom and pause the stream, another 5.99 for one channel, another for a different channel. Surprised theres not a $10 a month mcdonalds drive thru fee.
If mcdonalds thought like the digital industry, Itd be live service for fries, more creds for a bun, another cred for katchup, 2 for no onions, 5 for the meat, 6 for the pickle for some reason just because they can, and 10 for the box or wrapper of your choice. Then the checkout fee, and speedy service fee.
Where does it end though with the digital industry when people finally have had enough and demand change to it?
Is it gonna take literally not being able to afford it because they charge more than everyone makes, but its manipulated you enough to open your wallets that it takes a bankruptsy to become aware of the growing problem and advantage theyre taking of people.
Not just that but they use your kids to into your wallets to.
Thats the lowest anyone can get right their, unless of course your speaking of the ones actually falling for it and forking it over to their kids just to makem shut up. Thats rock bottom.
But hey, i guess it is to be expected, we are talking microsoft here, and nothing is better at taking you for everything you got that it can get away with, while leaving you with no ownership over anything like microsoft. And with activision, well its obvious. But when are people going to hitm where it hurts to show them the community they rely on isnt taking it, isnt ignorant of what theyredoing, and wont accept it when its already obvious most of the bloattransactions are unnecessary and destroying the joy that games aresupposed to bring.
I already expect none of the younger ones tounderstand or even be able to consider much of this, let alone support what older people who this industry was built by and for originally, but a lot of this stuff they nickel and dime you for use to come with the full game and itd be polished and ready to play upon release. Not charge you before its doneto guage whetheritll sell enough copies and if not, cancel it without refunding.
Well i just hope im posting this in the correct place and that it doesnt get deleted before it can get put where the correct place would be. Do to it if i missed something or should be included. Be nice if its ltd be taken suriously by whom it would matter. A constructive discussion would be best. Not looking for an editor for grammar analysis or correcting. Not reading troll comments.
Yes i know this is a long post but i am posting it anyways wether you want to read it or not. Wether you want to or not is irrelivant to make a comment saying you cant read or wont take the time to read even though your in a text based forum where reading is a necessary skill to get this far. Noones forcing you. And if you do read it, i appretiate you taking the time to. Really.