• Greetings, Devil Dog! Welcome to the Call of Duty Forums. It looks like you're looking forward to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, but haven't created an account yet. Why not take a minute to register for your own free account now? As a member you get free access to all of our forums and posts plus the ability to post your own messages, communicate directly with other members and much more.


TriBeZz Clan is recruiting now! We are a pretty laid back team, you dont have to play everyday if you dont want we understand people have lives but we do ask for you to be on some of the time. We are looking for snipers and trickshotters right now. If youre a sniper you need at least one clip quad feed or more and trickshotter you need one clip 720 or more. We are currently on WWII, We have a youtube channel @TriBeZz Clan. So if youre down to join hit me up on either snapchat @asdfawespme132 (thats how most of us keep in touch) or add me on PSN @Ur-_-MoM-_-08642 (sorry made the acc like 4 Years ago)


I’m pretty good but not good at making clips and stuff yet I have the videos for it already but not to good at editing


Hello, my name is Zaps but my PSN name is bigal12tiger (made when I was 12) , and I really enjoy sniping on WWII. I have hit some quad feeds and other clips, I am usually able to play 4 days a week, I have already been in one COD clan (T4KEN). If you would like to contact me I am available at my PSN (bigal12tiger) and also my email (astoll1828@gmail.com).
Thank You For your Time,
Zaps (bigal12tiger)


Hello, my name is Zaps but my PSN name is bigal12tiger (made when I was 12) , and I really enjoy sniping on WWII. I have hit some quad feeds and other clips, I am usually able to play 4 days a week, I have already been in one COD clan (T4KEN). If you would like to contact me I am available at my PSN (bigal12tiger) and also my email (astoll1828@gmail.com).
Thank You For your Time,
Zaps (bigal12tiger)

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