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Unjust/incorrect shadow ban FIX suggestion.


IDK if any of you in this community (I just joined) have any access to anyone important at Activision, but I think I figured out a worthy solution to help a HUGE chunk of us that are being incorrectly shadow banned (not actually cheating, just better). First off, Ai system, wtvr... clearly they are LOSING the battle against cheaters. But a report system in a player base that is THIS toxic and petty????? Horrible idea. So, for those of us actually skilled players that are in fact not cheating who keep getting shadowed due to massive amounts of reports by trash cans..... They should adjust the level of reports. If your k/d is less than .5, your reports hold MUCH LESS WEIGHT. I'm so sick of dookin on players that are complete dog ish and they report the hell out of you and you get shadowed because you are just better, and I KNOW I am not alone in that. Also, if your account reports all the time cuz you are so bad and dumb you truly believe everyone better than you is cheating, then your reports hold even less weight. If your skill is 1 k/d or higher and report less often, your reports hold more weight. Etc. Maybe make it a point system. 10 points is shadow. Players with .5 k/d or less each report is worth .1, etc etc.

The system overall. TBH, I really don't like blops6 and play it rarely, so I'm still wreckin ppl in mw3 and got 6 shadow bans literally back to back for reports and I'm sick of this.

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