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Weird LIGHTS OUT Glitch


The Equalizer
OK, so I was right in the middle of a game and then lost power (Storms moving thru out area)...

Booted back up, waited for our internet to come back (Starlink is awesome, but it takes like 5 mins to reset)..

Got into another game and then poof... Everything went black..

View: https://youtu.be/kYYdi3RkgZs

If I hit ESC to bring up a menu, everything looks normal.. Futz with the GFX settings, but no go.. Finally just had to quit the game. Which, of course meant I left my last ICARUS and 50 Cal Sniper Rifle in Al Mazrah..

Dunno what happened. Gonna reset the pooter and hopefully it fixes the glitch...
Ok, this is so easy to fix!!! When I saw your File Explorer window I helped myself to your downloads and Documents.......Bro.........Get rid of all that porn!!!!!!
If you havent got this fixed yet then I would check your files and have it "scan and repair" if necessary because it may have corrupted something when the power outage caused the CRASH.
Ok, this is so easy to fix!!! When I saw your File Explorer window I helped myself to your downloads and Documents.......Bro.........Get rid of all that porn!!!!!!

Scared me for a sec.. Had ta make sure none of my pr0n was visible!!! :D
If you havent got this fixed yet then I would check your files and have it "scan and repair" if necessary because it may have corrupted something when the power outage caused the CRASH.
A reboot seemed to fix the problem...

Reminds me of the old joke..

A mechanical engineer, an electrical engineer and a software engineer were driving down a road when all of the sudden the car quit...
The mechanical engineer said, "Let's check the drive train and engine hookups to make sure they are all connected properly."
The electrical engineer said, "That's stupid. It's obvious we have to check the electrical connections and make sure there are no shorts."
The software engineer said, "Yer both morons.. It's plain as the nose on your face that we have to shut down the car, get out, run around it 3 times and then get back in. The car is sure to work then."

Baa daa ding... :D

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