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Yep, Modern Warfare 4 is coming.

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Staff member
Every year, it's expected that there'd be a new Call of Duty title, but with Modern Warfare 3 closing out the whole Modern Warfare story, people question whether the next title is even going to be a Modern Warfare title. The clues were right under our noses this whole time, and people are still questioning it...

Two years ago, I wrote an article stating that Modern Warfare 4 will be a new trilogy:
Modern Warfare 3 was released onto store shelves with record-breaking numbers. Some people already have gone through the single player story campaign, and have already beaten the game. Gamers are already asking: “What’s next for Call of Duty?” Oh, you mean, Modern Warfare.
Source: MW3Blog [Sister Site]

So, UnexpectedReveal showed up out of nowhere, and people still question the legitimacy of it all. I laid out the hints, clues, and details of it all...
Every year, a new Call of Duty title is to be expected. However, there has been little hints, little whispers, and little rumblings about whether the next title is a Modern Warfare entry. I investigate whether the reveal is about Modern Warfare 4 or not. All signs point to yes, tho.
Source: MW4Blog [Sister Site]

Then, the steam kept picking up....
Source: MW4Blog [Sister Site]

What do you think so far?
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