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Zombies Outbreak: A Question about Exfil

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PC Gamer: Nearly Dangerous
I have just started playing Zombies Outbreak after getting fed up with the number of Campers in Free For All and wanting to try something different.

I have played 2 games so far, not sure how far I got in each before the Game Over message came up, but I know I played better in the second game as my kills/critical kills ratio was better.

However, that second game lasted over an hour and maybe closer to 90-minutes, which is a long time for me when I am used to loading the game up, playing for around 20-40 minutes and then leaving it to do other things,

If I am in a game and spot a beacon that I then use to call on Exfil, will selecting Exfil end the game for all players or just me and anyone else that returns to the chopper for Exfil?
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