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PSN ZwAg clan, Recruitment started!

ZwAg is a new clan, so I (The_Swagalot) am looking to recruit some players so that we can go ahead and get into some competitive and casual games.

Currently I am the only member of this clan. However I am confident that this clan will be able to grow!!!!


The COD games that the clan will mainly be playing are:

-Black Ops 3

However if I get enough interest in this clan, then I will be willing to further expand the games that we will play!


Here are the few requirements that you have to meet:

- Must have PSN (So that we can actually play)
- Must be able to communicate whilst playing the game (Skype is needed!)
- Any age is acceptable, but maturity is a must if things are going to work with this clan!

Other Information:

If you are really interested in this clan, and would like to see it progress further, then please be sure to add me on PSN: The_Swagalot

I am also willing to make a NEW account if this clan takes off with the clan tag: The_ZwAgalot

Thanks for reading this, and I hope to hear back from you guys!
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