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  1. apriapism

    Put Wager Match mode in Private Match [Text Tut]

    Wow I didn't know this was possible, thanks for the tip.
  2. apriapism

    Objective Based Multiplayer Mode

    I have to agree with you on this one, I really like objective based games. I really hope they decide to put even more into it in the next game.
  3. apriapism

    Virtual Reality

    Yeah I much rather play on my TV screen as well. Seems a little too much for me to play a CoD game with it. I feel like my neck would get sore from all the quick turning lol
  4. apriapism


    Unfortunately I didn't play the world at war campaign, I kind of regret it cause I usually love to play games that take place during that war.
  5. apriapism

    Youtube Forum

    Good idea, I'd love to watch other peoples videos/montages. I'd even post a few of my own that I've made in the past.
  6. apriapism

    PSN/XBL/PC linkages

    Sounds like a good idea, rather than having to post our gamertags or psn ids everywhere.
  7. apriapism

    Spec Ops?

    I played it all the way through with my brother one time, we tried it on the hardest difficulty. Kept us entertained for a few hours soo that's good.
  8. apriapism

    Survival Mode - Did you enjoy it?

    I thought it was alright, I didn't play it too often. but whenever I did with my friends we ended up enjoying ourselves.
  9. apriapism

    Favorite gun?

    M16 with an ACOG scope. I used to use it all the time. Also I can't quite remember it's name, but it was the green sniper lol
  10. apriapism

    Favorite Music

    I'm into all kind of genres, anything that catches my interest really, from rap, hip hop, trance, techno and sometimes country. I'm a huge folk rock fan though.
  11. apriapism

    How to use a Dolly Camera in Black Ops 2

    Awesome guide. I'm going to give this a try next time I play them game. Thanks bro.
  12. apriapism

    Have you beaten the campaign on Veteran?

    I always make it a goal to beat CoD games on veteran. The only real struggle I had was with 4.
  13. apriapism

    Single player or Multiplayer?

    You should really try the single some time. A lot of the games have a really interesting story. But when I initially buy a CoD game I ignore it for a long time until I get bored of multiplayer.
  14. apriapism

    MW3 Ranking Up Quick !

    Seems interesting. I just never really cared about my rank that much unless it's to unlock something I really want. I just enjoyed playing and just unlocking a lot of the things hey have to offer.
  15. apriapism

    Which tactics do you find the most effective?

    I always find it good to keep on moving, whenever I stay in a spot for too long I'm always targeted. But If I move around I always end up confusing the enemy
  16. apriapism

    New DLC: Uprising Announced

    Doesn't look bad, I might end up buying it if some friends do.
  17. apriapism

    Least and favorite weapon type?

    I love the snipers. Every CoD game I play with snipers. As for least favorite, I'll go with the rocket launchers, whenever I get that douche that runs around with the rocket, i sometimes get angry, but then again it's quite hilarious.
  18. apriapism

    What do you think the storyline will be?

    Hard to tell right now. But I hope it ends up being really good.
  19. apriapism

    Favorite Mobile Games?

    The GTA games. Also I've been playing words with friends a lot.
  20. apriapism

    Favorite Xbox Title!

    I have only played the Pitt and the Anchorage DLC. I really wanted to play the DLC that is set in Maryland. Also as for which one I thought was best, I think it's a hard choice. Fallout 3 had sucha great feeling for me, New vegas was great cause there was way more quests and weapons and such...