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Search results

  1. Mycrospyder

    CoDForums reaches 20,000 Members!

    Congrats on the milestone!
  2. Mycrospyder

    DMZ WTF Is He Saying???

    all I heard was that you lost your survival streak...
  3. Mycrospyder

    working alot. Gave up on my gfx discord server due to not having enough time. playing as much...

    working alot. Gave up on my gfx discord server due to not having enough time. playing as much COD as I can...and well, living. :) Happy to see the site is still hoppin!
  4. Mycrospyder

    Yeah. Life has been busy so I haven't had alot of free time but I manage to stop by from time...

    Yeah. Life has been busy so I haven't had alot of free time but I manage to stop by from time to time. Thanks for the WB!
  5. Mycrospyder

    love all of you guys! :)

    love all of you guys! :)
  6. Mycrospyder


  7. Mycrospyder


  8. Mycrospyder


  9. Mycrospyder


    Oh, I'm sure you do see that information. It is truly helpful when managing a website / forum to have access to that kind of information.
  10. Mycrospyder


    I enjoy the statistics, believe me. :)
  11. Mycrospyder


    Wow... 3k views of my thread...sweet!
  12. Mycrospyder


  13. Mycrospyder


  14. Mycrospyder


  15. Mycrospyder


    Been doing tiktok time lapse making of videos of graphics. Feel free to watch the making of this one here: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdpb2qvC/?k=1
  16. Mycrospyder


  17. Mycrospyder


  18. Mycrospyder


  19. Mycrospyder


  20. Mycrospyder


    Thanks! I love doing graphics! :)