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I just want a small change for a skin that I paid for and hope devs can make this happen


All I want is a skin update of my favorite Callisto skin from the cyber-riot bundle, which is the Codex skin, the skin itself is my all-time favorite and so happy that it was carried forward to mw3 however a small little detail always bothers me. which are her exposed fingers, my assumption is that the main selling point of this skin is to have an operator skin from head to toe is cover in Damascus design color and the color itself is amazing and love the neon glow however having the exposed fingers kind of ruin the selling point. I wish to see it cover with the same texture and Damascus design as the rest of her suit. Which I might add that Developers shouldn't have hard time to do this small change because I notice a small detail from another skin which is Valeria queen skin. On that skin Valeria is literally wearing a gimp suit with high heels and jacket with some harness but some importantly her hands are fully cover and sealed which her gloves are black and shiny with a texture that looks like a real rubber from the same gimp suit material. So, if Valeria can have her hands cover with a gimp suit why not Callisto in her codex skin. please hopefully it can happen, a reminder I know the developers can do this because they update the manticore skin after its release and I remember it use to be a American with a dirty look but now the manticore is Polish with a clean appearance.

Please make it happen :)


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