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Recent content by coeck

  1. coeck

    Zombies return in Advanced Warfare!

    Wow Zombies, i like playing zombies in the call of duty games. I hope you have to kill them with head-shots so it will require a lot of skill to actually beat the game. And i think the story-line has to be different from all those other zombie related games so let's pray that they developed a...
  2. coeck

    Advanced Warfare Scorestreaks detailed in video

    Wow it really looks amazing. I enjoyed watching the video. The score streaks seem to be cumulative, which means that if you start out bad you can't actually come back. This might be a downside to the new scoring system. But all in all this video is great.
  3. coeck

    WIll CoD:AW be bigger than GTA:V?

    I don't really think COD will be bigger than GTA V. The Grand Theft Auto games have much more to offer than a shooter game like call of duty. You can do so much more and have much more freedom to do what you want in GTA. But who knows, maybe this game will blow up and become more popular than...
  4. coeck

    Advanced Warfare MLG Pro season starts November 28th

    I really can't wait for this new season start. I really enjoy playing all the COD games, but AW is by far the most enjoyable. I'm very really looking forward to watching the competitive field. It's also really good to see more and more games get into the e-sport business.
  5. coeck


    Hey BluBird, welcome to the forums. We all love this call of duty franchise in here :-) ! Make sure you keep browsing through the forums there is a lot of information to be found. This way you can make sure you become the best player in the world! That's my ambition.
  6. coeck

    Day Zero version releases tomorrow

    Yea we've been waiting a long time for this version release. I'm very excited and hope it will be amazing. Does anyone have more information about this new version, because i haven't found many reviews of it.
  7. coeck

    whats up guys i'm ready to rock and roll. It's gonna be fun and entertaining for everyone.

    whats up guys i'm ready to rock and roll. It's gonna be fun and entertaining for everyone.