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Recent content by real

  1. R

    PSN PRIMAL now Recruiting

    You make it sound like I’m an alcoholic but I’ll hop on discord in about an hour or so and kick for a bit and ya I’ll read the rules
  2. R

    PSN PRIMAL now Recruiting

    Ok chief, I seen this post several hundred times now for some reason and I am finally intrigued into meeting “the sweatiest of the sweatiest” however I only kind of want to join a trail period just to test your Mountain Dew waters, I’m ranked surprisingly very high worldwide/cross platform but I...
  3. R

    PSN Fright Esports is Recruiting

    I would join but you guys accept n00bs isn’t their a group for the talented players only who can actively participate in competitive gameplay without restrictions or permissions ??
  4. R

    Newbie here, don’t know what the hell im doing

    Lol I actually love ur perspective on the game but I haven’t noticed any hackers besides that brown magician guy on the leaderboards
  5. R

    How different would your life be without social media of any kind?

    Anyone remember social media before onlyfans and the need for thot patrol
  6. R

    gaming desk

    Console gang buy a 75” tv like me n00b lol jk but bigger and newer is always better
  7. R

    Multi Looking for clan

    I swear to god my ranking used to be way better the order of these ranks are from activison mw3 in order score, kills, and wins I would’ve included playlist but that percentage score is highly inaccurate because I do avoid some game modes plz lmk if anyone is interested
  8. R

    PC Angels of Death [AOD]

    Seems really promising But I don’t own a computer I do have a laptop but I use that for my business/research plz message me id love to join if theirs some small form of competitive game play in normal matches I avoid leagues however because can’t find small dedicated teams and I just enjoy the...
  9. R

    Multi Looking for Crossbow only Clans

    10/10 I’m down to play with that clan a few times a day for sure lol I love crossbow on mw3
  10. R

    I enjoy Apocalypse, others thoughts?

    I like the map a lot lots of diversification lots of places for ambush attacks and usually every inch of the map is busy with some sort of action regardless of 6 people teams
  11. R

    Multi BlackWater Gaming

    Hey I’m not going to join or anything but just want to say black water (affiliates or current/previous CEO’s) need to be arrested for war crimes against humanity (regardless of the concept of scapegoating, they just have horrible guidelines and practically hire street gangsters) idk what u know...
  12. R

    Mobile Solar Esports Comp Female BR Recruitment

    Do I have to be a female?
  13. R

    Console Chumps and Aim Assist

    Aim assist has been in every trayarch/activion game lol i don’t play on pc but I would imagine it’s right their in the settings n00b lol
  14. R

    All of you suck.

    I agree with u to a certain point but talking shit isn’t the way and just because ur better than normal people who play few hours a day doesn’t make u great either by the way I definitely don’t like however scorestreaks got set up in Cold War it should be like every other game in where number of...
  15. R

    Multi Looking for clan

    Hello, I’m looking for clan/guild or whatever it’s called I have some specific guidelines however, I only want to play with a small group of people who play a lot Want people who are genuinely good at the game and mature I was in top 5% worldwide on mw3 at the start of season 5 when I quit...