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Recent content by Zombieplayer88

  1. Z

    Dose anyone know how to play vanguard zombies with another person offline? also are we ever...

    Dose anyone know how to play vanguard zombies with another person offline? also are we ever getting the bubble gun?
  2. Z

    Multi Looking for active vanguard clan

    Can I join I play vanguard zombies can I join
  3. Z

    Question answer please

    Can I get bubble gun in vanguard zombies and can me and my brother play offline together if so how please explain
  4. Z

    Question about vanguard zombies multiplayer and bubble gun

    Hi call of duty vanguard zombies fans I was wondering if their is a way me and my brother can play offline zombies together? We play on ps4. I can play but wondering if I can add my brother and play with him offline as well. If not when is treyarch gunna fix this issue? Also is their ever gunna...