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  1. F

    Warzone New weapon maybe

    Hey guys they should add the ACR from MW3 in warzone that will be nice but than from the modern warfare side of course not cold war or vanguard
  2. F

    Warzone Overpowered Weapons

    Not nerf lmao the weapon is way to OP with damage so they need to put this damage down and the recoil is okay on the weapon than you need train your aim
  3. F

    Warzone Overpowered Weapons

    Yes I know the tactics but still they have reload speed and a high fire rate and that is hard to win from sometimes and I will share this to Activision that they need to change it
  4. F

    Warzone Overpowered Weapons

    Hello Call of Duty, Please buff the Mac-10 and the FFAR they are way to OP and its not even playable anymore with other guns because you can't win from these guns so buff them Kind regards, FindFaith