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call of duty 4

  1. M

    CALL OF DUTY VANGUARD Gameplay Walkthrough

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GtnLfj3hrCo
  2. J

    FaZe Jev-I SPECTATED SOLOS and EVERY player gave me anxiety

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vxrdkZerD4
  3. X

    Xbox Live XDG is recruiting and we need you

    Hi guys I'm XDG STUD from a new community that started 3 months ago on Xbox one. If you would like to join then we do have requirements that are you must be 16+ and have 1000+ gamer score Make sure you have the discord app You can't be in any other clan or community We do have a rank...
  4. F

    Multi FTP Are Recruiting For MLG Players & Snipers !!!!

    We are French Toast Party A Call Of Duty clan we are recruiting for new MLG players that can play on IW then move on to WW2 and Snipers. We upload Montages to YouTube and now have over 1K subs & 2k followers on Instagram. If you want to join message our Instagram @French__Toast__Party or message...
  5. InfaredScoper

    Multi My Top 5 Favorite/Recommended COD Games List

    Welcome! In this list, I will choose 5 games to list in order of best to worst and will give three reasons I liked the game and one thing they could have done better. 1. Modern Warfare 2 a. Great multiplayer! I really enjoy it, mostly safe of hackers. b. Next-gen graphics. Really revolutionary...
  6. Carlos

    New Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Gameplay

    By now, you no doubt know that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is a remaster of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, and it's coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. However, to get Modern Warfare Remastered, you'll have to purchase one of Infinite Warfare's editions: Legacy Edition...