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competitive sniping

  1. N

    PSN Looking for Competitive sniping clan

    Looking for an active competitive sniping clan to better my skills and get bacc into the sniping community. I’ve been quicc scoping since cod 4 and have played with some of the best. My PSN is niccmecca Thank you.
  2. Bailey ^v^

    Multi Apollo 7 Recruitment

    My Name Is Bailey ^v^ and i am the leader of a team called Apollo 7. We are currently looking for Snipers / Trickershotters to hit clips, competitive players who want to take the game by force and competitive snipers for game battles and 2 v 2 and so forth. However we do have certain...
  3. R

    Multi Sniper LeaderBoards

    If you guys wanna go play some 4v4/1v1 Competitive Sniping Matches or Scrimmages! SLB has Rankings & Prizes Tournaments! Go check out SLB! sniperleaderboards.net Spread the word guys SLB is really gonna take over the Sniping Community!