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girl clan

  1. Mara Jade

    Women of Call of duty mw facebook group

    Hello! Were looking for chill women go join our cod group! Were LGBT friendly. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2232893513677154/
  2. F

    PSN Need Clan to join!

    Hey everyone I am looking for a clan to join, one that hopefully has some girl members to play with, being that I am a girl. I am on a PS4 and only have BOPIII at the moment. I am starting a live streaming page on Twitch and think it would be fun to have some people to talk to throughout the...
  3. kim


    Clan Name: [She.] System: Xbox Live (One or 360) Name: $$$$ Game: Advanced Warfare & Infinite Warfare My Level: Grand Master Prestige 16, Level 50 Looking GREAT players, don't have to be Grand Master prestige but at least prestige. I just started this clan and i'm trying to build it up so we...