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C’mon WTH did the Shoot House map go?

I can’t find answers. I’m kinda new to this whole xbox thing and up until about a week or two ago I played a lot of multiplayer on the Shoot House map. All of a sudden it’s no longer an option. There’s a new Shipment 24/7 map which I like, but why remove SH? I was told that it is still available in QuickPlay, but I can’t find a way to filter so that’s the only option. Bottom line, is there a way to play team death-match, etc., multiplayer using the SH map now?


Hi, it used to change with the new update. In the old version it was sometimes only shoothouse and sometimes only Shipment. Sometimes its both of them to choose from and sometimes its either or. For the moment just perfectionate your play in Shipment and enjoy the chaos. With the next update SH will most likly resurface. At least it has been like this with the prior version.
Anyway I have tons of fun with SH, but I really love the chaos of Shipment and you can push the weapons real fast, since 20 to 40 kills are doable in an average game.
Hi, it used to change with the new update. In the old version it was sometimes only shoothouse and sometimes only Shipment. Sometimes its both of them to choose from and sometimes its either or. For the moment just perfectionate your play in Shipment and enjoy the chaos. With the next update SH will most likly resurface. At least it has been like this with the prior version.
Anyway I have tons of fun with SH, but I really love the chaos of Shipment and you can push the weapons real fast, since 20 to 40 kills are doable in an average game.
Thanks Matze

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