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Illuminati in transit??? huh

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im sure we have all seem the poems about the tranzit easter egg , i think i found some suttle clues in them ( check out ngt on youtube he talks about them)
(also btw cba typing this out again so i copied my own comments from youtube)

just a thought. three eyes, then letter I/i three in a row, word with 3 i's in it i got stuck here, the word glow, also to light, also to illuminate, or possibly the secret cult the Illuminati, the red eye or now now red Illuminati (Google this) picture of a pyramid with an eye on top (and five letters circled ansom anagram for mason i call mini Easter egg and also the Illuminati symbol from bo in ascension) pyramid also a spire, church spire? illuminati three masons? or bank notes in the bank?
so the Illuminati , also this fits with the "many thoughts and theories" line, coincident?? black ops 1 involved the Illuminati, so why shouldn't bo2? i talked about the bank note , maybe there is something in the bank we have missed, an Illuminati symbol maybe. "The Illuminati are briefly mentioned in the Zombies levels Shi No Numa, Der Riese, and Kino der Toten by Edward Richtofen" (<--- from cod wiki) hmm there is more to this than meets the eye (excuse the pun)

John Reese

i would beleilve that something like that is in there because of the world order thats what the sercet government whats.
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