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Multi Looking For A Chill MWII/MWIII Clan


Heyo! I'm Khaotic, I'm 24 years old and I play MWII and MWIII on Xbox but am good with crossplay

I'd love to find a chill, non-toxic group/community to call home, and hopefully make some long-lasting friendships in the process.

Tbh I'm definitely not the best at CoD, I have some good games here and there but I'd say I'm a pretty average player. I don't take the game overly serious. I mainly play to have fun/a good time with people but I can play serious if needed

The main game mode I play is Search & Destroy, although I'm open to other modes. I've also been playing MWZ quite abit as well

Feel free to reach out, talk about your community/clan to see if we'd be a good fit! :))

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