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Xbox Live Looking for Players


Good everyone,

I am not really new to call of duty but I guess you can say I am. I am level 43 with battles pass, looking to get a lot more XP, and looking for players that are on during the evening to play with squads.

as well whoever has donations for some free stuff let me know, ill take it. JK

Here is my Gamertag.

Activision ID
Xbox Gold Live ID
Email: beerbandits2021@outlook.com


Come have a look at Rapture Gaming Community. We are a 17+ gaming community. We have many games, but Phoenix battalion main COD and Overwatch. Our players are Xbox and PC.
Our members are on varying timezones so there is always someone to game with. We hold multiple gamenights a week, and welcome all players no matter the skill level.
We're always up for a good time and a few drinks together!
Here's the discord link, come hang out and see what you think

AGC Wick

Hey homie,
I'm with a clan called AGC, stands for Anvil Gaming Community. We aren't the biggest (by a long shot) and we lack consistency, but we are a solid group of guys and when we play it's always a blast. Hit me up sometime if you're needing of players, my GT is AGR Wick

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