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Lost all progression and can’t equip weapons in zombies

This game is trash, I updated it today and all this data wasted , rank back down to 1 and every zombies game I launch it puts me right in game and skips load out screen and to think these idiots get paid


This game is trash, I updated it today and all this data wasted , rank back down to 1 and every zombies game I launch it puts me right in game and skips load out screen and to think these idiots get paid
I’m having the same bullshit ass problem with multiplayer on hardcore I can’t access my load outs and when I do it gives me some junk ass class that’s not mine and me and all my homies are down to a level 1 on everything but I’ve played with people who aren’t having this problem so idk wtf it is
There was a quick update this morning so maybe it has fixed the problem. There have been reports of this problem so probably has been fixed now.

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