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PSN Recon.Unit.Invading.Nations. Recruiting


My clan is R.U.I.N Division, Which R.U.I.N stands for Recon.Unit.Invading.Nations.

We are a dedicated clan of friends that work together to be one of the best clans and gaming community and for some games MLG. We are currently recruiting for call of duty ghost which we are in diamond division and level 24 in rank. We are also recruiting for battlefield 4. Our clan is put across multiple games in order to leave on one who wants to join out. We are also preparing for future game like call of duty advanced warfare,destiny, the crew, and battlefield hardline. Mortal combat x, and tom clanys the division and raindow six seige.

1.Must be an active player in game.
2.Be active on the clan website. (because we want to be a known clan our site has to be alive, if its dead no one will care about us.)
3.Must have a mic to communicate clearly.
4.Have to have a positive k/d on fps games.
5.Must be able to work with others and respect them.
6.Must be above 16 years of age.

If you wish to join R.U.I.N then go to our clan website ruindivision.shivtr.com and fill out the application with which game your applying for and we will get back to you if you are picked for an interview.

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