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Season 3 Invasion was OK, now it sucks

After playing most of my games in invasion, I couldn't understand why it suddenly became more chaotic. Then I noticed 2 things. The game became 32 vs 34 after being 20 vs 20. Now it is just overcrowded with players just stumbling over each other. If people want that kind of chaos let them play Shipment or Shoothouse or Rust

Secondly Popov Power Station is the worst map yet. A sissy sniper's heaven, with great swathes of open ground that has players running more than fighting. I made a point of avoiding it like many others do. Now it seems Activision, in the arrogance have decided to force the popov map rather than letting folks vote for it. After playing one of the other two maps, there is is. No choice. So I just exit and get back in the queue

As a LONG time player since CoD4, it has gone from a legitimate combat shooter at least attempting a level of realism to a comicbook and superhero movie and Zombie joke

At this point, I regret having spent a dime on this farce, and will keep my money for something I can actually appreciate and enjoy

Thanks for nothing Activision

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