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StreamRiot [BETA] just hit! Watch Multiple Live Streams on One Screen


StreamRiot [BETA] launched!

StreamRiot is a new Multi Stream Player. Create live stream playlists and watch up to 5 live streams on one screen!

1. Create Live Stream Playlists [RIOTS]

Browse through thousands of channels featuring live streaming video game content. You choose the live streams and group them into multiple livestreaming playlists called Riots. You can Riot anything you want from your fav streaming games online like ,COD to big and little teams, even the pros!

When you sign up for free, create multiple Riots to watch instantly. Each Riot can hold hundreds of live streams and they're loaded into our multi live stream media player, the Riot Player (see #2 immediately below. Now. Yes... seriously, go read...)

2. Play // Watch // Like a Champ [RIOT PLAYER]

Our multi stream Riot Player is handcrafted by 100% humans across multiple States with ample blood sweat and tears... and it's is a beast. Watch multiple livestreaming video game content at once, up to 5 live streams with immediate access to your Riot (livestreaming playlist) so you can swap streams in and out.

An account means you get instant access to everything you want and its free

3. Come Out & Play!

Check out Browse Riots and find some trending multi streaming Riots across multiple came titles (like COD BLOPS2).

Do you live stream your game play?
Why not give your base/fans a killer new way to watch, Riot that and share by Facebook, Twitter, or URL!
We're in beta so give us any feedback you've got and have fun!

STREAMRIOT | Multiple Streams. One Screen


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