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The Bunker Buster kill streak where is it?


During the reloaded update they said we were getting a new kill steak the bunker buster which if it is as the real life counterpart would be a bit of a game changer for a lot of reasons.
this kill steak or as i call it the camper killer would really shake certain maps up in a good way for example who has played on rundown or hi rise and been plagued by campers at on end of the map this kill streak would change all of that, which is probally why we don't have it yet we can't upset the camping sniper streamer now can we.
I mean god help someone stopping them getting nukes and killing everyone while looking and bragging about it so i asking is anyone else wondering where this kill steak is and how long before we get it.
please your comments below.


no and they never said that this was a warzone only kill streak and made it out that it was for all formates of the game

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